Data Mapping

Combining experimental measurement data with network data is possible by first loading or creating a network. The loading of network data is described right after this section. It is also possible to edit or draw pathways manually as described [here].

The next step is the preparation and loading of experimental measurement data. This is described in more detail [here]. While preparing the measurement data it is of great importance to use common names or identifiers which can be mapped to the labels of the target network elements. In the case that a mapping with KEGG pathways is desired, the substance names for the measurements should be EC numbers or Compound IDs.

As the mapping procedure also considers the name and any synonym of the EC and compound nomenclature, it is also possible to name the measurements accordingly.

Measurement values which can not be mapped automatically may be omitted during the mapping procedure. The second checkbox at the bottom of the experiment dataset pane called Create new nodes for... determines if new nodes are created for nodes that can not be automatically mapped.

During the mapping procedure optionally a user-given mapping can be performed. The third checkbox Ask for user-given mapping... determines this behavior. In the case that no automatic mapping is possible the user may select one of the available graph elements (identified by its labels) for mapping the particular measured substance manually to the corresponding graph element.